On the 11th of May the Coalition Samen Tegen Racisme (Together Against Racism) is organising an European Assembly in order to learn and exchange knowledge from anti-racist initiatives, groups and movements across Europe. The day is organised in relation to ‘The Day of Europe’ on the 9th of May. More than 50 international guests visiting will be visiting Pakhuis de Zwijger in order to participate in this event.

During this assembly, we will showcase and reflect on initiatives against racism and discrimination from different European countries. What can we learn from each other and what influence do local initiatives have to make an impact? During this evening programme we will have both plenary and theme-specific breakout sessions. What can we do to foster knowledge exchange between these local examples and how can we work together? Finally, how can local initiatives grow to national and European-wide initiatives? More information about the programme and speakers can be found here.


Some of the main themes during the Assembly are about how to make an impact through lobbying, the right to protest, decolonisation and autonomous organising, racism in digital spaces and finally the different regularisation campaigns for migrants in Europe. During this event, we will also have musicians performing and a small marketplace. The Coalition Samen Tegen Racisme is based in Amsterdam and consists of Pan Asian Collective, Amsterdam City Rights, Zwart Manifest, Oy Vey Acts, Comité 21 maart, Collectief Tegen Islamofobie en Discriminatie and Pakhuis de Zwijger. More information about the coalition can be found here.

Reserve your free spot here!

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