Pakhuis de Zwijger focuses its programs on the future of cities, the metropolitan region, our country and the world. We do this together with the two branches New Metropolis ‘Nieuw-West’ and ‘Zuidoost’. Our approach to large and complex issues and challenges is value-driven. Through seven main topics – social, spatial planning, sustainability, technology, economy, democracy and creative industry – and twenty ambitions formulated by us, we create programs together with our partners and realise projects that contribute to better living environments for all.

In the world of tomorrow, everyone has access to quality and affordable education, good care, work and a home. Power and property are distributed fairly.

In the world of tomorrow, everyone participates and all preferences, appearances and backgrounds are represented. The diversity of the society is visible at all levels and in all institutions.

In the world of tomorrow, everyone has a say. Control, ownership and responsibility are evenly distributed. The government works for and with the inhabitants of the city.

In the world of tomorrow there is space for companies and individuals to do business. The value that is created flows back to the city and benefits all its inhabitants, in the form of money and knowledge.

Tomorrow’s world is a pleasant place to live. The air is clean and there is plenty of green. Careful consideration is given to scarce space, residents and visitors can meet in public spaces and children can play safely on the streets.

In tomorrow’s world, everyone can live a carefree life. It is a place with room for differences of opinion without resulting in violence, exclusion or radicalisation. Everyone feels free, at home and safe and takes responsibility for each other’s safety.

In tomorrow’s world, everyone has access to good and appropriate healthcare, nutritious and varied food, clean air, a green environment and sports facilities. Everyone can lead a healthy, active, dignified and happy lifestyle.

In tomorrow’s world, no one will be left out. People look after each other and there is a listening ear for everyone. The government offers an accessible social safety net.

In tomorrow’s world, everyone is provided for. Everyone has sufficient resources for a home, transport, healthy food, information and leisure.

In tomorrow’s world, accessibility is a universal reality. The infrastructure is designed from a human perspective and does not take up unnecessary space.

In tomorrow’s world, there is good education for everyone. There is lifelong opportunity for personal development to grow alongside the labor market. Everyone’s talent is seen and used.

In tomorrow’s world, entrepreneurial spirit and innovation are stimulated. Local, sustainable and social enterprises ensure a resilient and inclusive urban economy.

In tomorrow’s world, all raw materials will be reused locally and economic growth is not the ultimate goal. There is no more waste and a next life is central to the design of goods.

In tomorrow’s world, people live in harmony with nature. There is sufficient space in the city and surrounding areas for local food production and biodiversity is promoted.

Climate neutral
Tomorrow’s world will no longer contribute to climate change. We will live in balance with our natural environment and leave behind a liveable city for future generations.

Climate proof
In tomorrow’s world, we are prepared for the changing climate. The urban environment is designed for extreme rainfall, drought, heat or sudden temperature changes.

Science, innovation and new technology will be stimulated In tomorrow’s world. It is a place of research and inspiration. Anyone who wants to can be part of the open and reliable digital society.

In tomorrow’s world, art is valued and imagination is encouraged. There is a lot of room to color outside the lines. Creation, innovation and design are central issues.

In tomorrow’s world there is plenty of room for a diverse range of art, culture and nightlife. There is room for fun and relaxation, creativity and experimentation

In tomorrow’s world, functionality and beauty complement each other. Architecture and the public arena are consciously designed for everyone, without losing sight of the importance



Aankomende programma’s
Café 749 3
Ruimte om te dromen
Kan Amsterdam een plek voor alle inwoners zijn? We dromen samen over ons ideale stad van morgen.
Vandaag, 20.00
Koop kaarten
Wonen voor iedereen
De buurt ontploft
Het aantal ontploffingen in Amsterdamse buurten stijgt explosief. Hoe gaan we hiermee om? En wat kunnen we eraan doen?
Vandaag, 20.00
Doevendansen met Nieuw-West 8
Duurzaam ondernemen in fashion
Maandelijks gesprek tussen stadsdeelbestuurder Sandra Doevendans en bewoners over thema’s die spelen in Nieuw-West. 
Morgen, 19.00
Boekpresentatie & nagesprek
Wij zijn Europa
Presentatie van het nieuwe boek van Reinier van Lanschot over een nieuw Europees verhaal.
ma 29 apr, 19.30
Tipping points 2
Stille wateren
Een broodnodige crash course over kantelpunten. Dit keer: kunnen we de klimaatcrisis in rechtszalen bedwingen voor de warme golfstroom ermee stopt?
ma 29 apr, 20.00
Designing Cities for All: RE-generation 23
The Nexus of Humans
(Re)Designing Connection w/ Shibaura House #1: How do we recognise and sustain our connection with other humans, non-humans and nature through different cultural exploration?
ma 29 apr, 20.00
Liminal Space
Bevinden we ons in een tussenruimte? Lijken we hierin op elkaar? Bij Liminal Space zullen artiesten uit verschillende disciplines de verbinding opzoeken door hun tussenruimte met jullie te delen.
di 30 apr, 19.30
Levenskunst 3
To bebe or not to bebe
Wel of geen kind? Een avond die de twijfel draagbaar maakt. Met fash-fash-fashion & een goed gesprek.
di 30 apr, 20.00
PDZ x Milieu Centraal 1
Fashion victim of verleidingen de baas?
Er komen in Nederland jaarlijks bijna een miljard kledingstukken op de markt. Waarom kopen we zóveel kleding, en hoe kunnen we bewust minder (mis)kopen?
wo 1 mei, 19.30
Unpacking Labour Export Policy
Understanding and improving the complexities surrounding labour export policies and the rights of migrants and activists.
wo 1 mei, 19.30
Film screening & after talk
Outgrow the System
A documentary and discussion about transitioning to a sustainable economic system.
wo 1 mei, 20.00
De toekomst van Europa 4
Europa naar de straat
Hoe verklein je de afstand tussen Europa en de burger?
do 2 mei, 20.00
Filmscreening & nagesprek
Samenwonen: het verhaal van De Warren
Wegens succes een extra filmvertoning. Hoe bouw je een huis met 50 vrienden dat sociaal, duurzaam en betaalbaar moet zijn? In gesprek met de filmmaker na vertoning.
do 2 mei, 20.00
Queercity 18
Decolonising Gender
How do BIPOC Trans & Queer communities resist and fight against binaries? And can we let go and heal colonial ideas on gender?
vr 3 mei, 19.30
Dag van Empathie 2024
Dag van Empathie 2024: Thuis
Waar voel jij je thuis?
vr 3 mei, 20.00
Filmvertoning & nagesprek
In de wurggreep van de schuldenindustrie
Vertoning documentaire over hoe een schuld leidt tot boete tot nog meer schuld en nog meer boetes.
ma 6 mei, 19.30
Naar een Inclusieve Nationale Herdenking 2024
Nabeschouwing van de nationale herdenking van 2024, welke verhalen worden herdacht en welke vergeten?
ma 6 mei, 20.00
Fotokroniek 100
Student Selection Of Dutch Photography Award 2024
An evening with the four selected students for the SO '24 Award.
di 7 mei, 20.00
Thanks For Coming
Een inspirerende sekspositieve avond ter ere van de lancering van de podcast 'Thanks For Coming - the sex ed you wish you'd had' van Anna Marah Jansen.
di 7 mei, 20.00
Zuidoost Groeit 25
Van Kantorengebied naar Gemengde Stadswijk
De laatste stand van zaken rondom de ontwikkeling van het Amstel III gebied. Hoe brengen we levendigheid en geborgenheid naar dit gebied?
wo 8 mei, 20.00
In de spotlight